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Erinnerungsstätte Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde


Erinnerungsstätte Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde, Marienfelder Allee, Berlin, Deutschland

+49 (0)30 75 00 84 00
+49 (0)30 75 44 66 34

Between 1949 and 1990, around four million people ventured from the GDR to West Germany. Among them were 1.35 million who passed through the emergency reception centre established in Berlin-Marienfelde in 1953. In this camp, they not only found accommodation and care, but also went through the necessary steps to obtain a residence permit for West Germany and West Berlin. Today, an exhibition at this authentic site bears witness to the causes, course and consequences of the German-German refugee movement. The memorial site invites visitors to take a closer look at the topics of flight and emigration in divided Germany with the help of its permanent exhibition, a multifaceted educational and event programme, special exhibitions and research projects.

In the heart of the zoo, Friedrichsfelde Palace shines in the charming style of early classicism.


Museum Schloss Friedrichsfelde

The Museum of Decorative Arts, the oldest of its kind in Germany, is home to outstanding examples of European arts and crafts and design.



C/O Berlin is an exhibition centre for photography and visual media. As a non-profit foundation, it presents works by renowned artists, promotes up-and-coming talent and invites visitors on voyages of discovery through our visual culture.


C/O Berlin

The Knoblauchhaus Museum is dedicated to the Berlin lifestyle during the Biedermeier period.


Museum Knoblauchhaus

The Neues Museum is an important masterpiece of 19th century art, museum and technology history.


Neues Museum

On 3 August 2001, the Rochow Museum was ceremonially opened with the captivating permanent exhibition "Reason for the People: Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow (1734-1805) and the Awakening of Prussia".



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Quantum Oddity

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König Gallerie

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