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Die Wühlmäuse


Die Wühlmäuse, Pommernallee, Berlin, Deutschland

+49 (0)30 3067 3011
+49 (0)30 3067 3030

The renowned Berlin cabaret theatre "Die Wühlmäuse" was founded by Dieter Hallervorden a proud 60 years ago. Today it is one of the leading cabaret theatres in Germany and presents a multi-faceted programme 364 days a year, offering something to suit every taste. The impressive theatre with its 516 seats on Theodor-Heuss-Platz provides a daily stage for first-class performances by established stars as well as promising up-and-coming artists from the fields of cabaret and comedy. Regular guests include such greats as Mathias Richling, Wilfried Schmickler, Dieter Nuhr, Horst Evers, Jochen Malmsheimer and Simone Solga. Up-and-coming talents from recent years such as Matthias Egersdörfer, Sebastian Pufpaff, Torsten Sträter, Kay Ray and Florian Schroeder have also made an impression. The diverse programme is rounded off with concerts by artists such as Katja Ebstein, Ulla Meinecke, Romy Haag, Purple Schulz and Stefan Gwildis, as well as readings by Jürgen von der Lippe, Harald Martenstein and Axel Hacke. Since September 2017, the cabaret theatre "Die Wühlmäuse" has once again shone with its own ensemble, fulfilling a long-cherished wish of host Dieter Hallervorden. The ensemble was put together together with the renowned Berlin cabaret artist Frank Lüdecke, who is responsible for writing and directing. The talented actors and cabaret artists Santina Maria Schrader, Birthe Wolter, Mathias Harrebye-Brandt and Robert Louis Griesbach now bring the stage to life in their second Wühlmäuse production "Gelogene Wahrheiten".

A proud 60 years ago, the renowned Berlin cabaret theatre "Die Wühlmäuse" was founded by Dieter Hallervorden.


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