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Deutsche Oper Berlin


Deutsche Oper, Bismarckstraße, Berlin, Deutschland

+49 (30) 343 84 343
+49 (30) 343 84 246

The Deutsche Oper Berlin not only emphasises contemporary works, but also places a clear focus on composers whose oeuvre is no longer strongly represented in today's repertoire. Under the direction of General Music Director Donald Runnicles, the opera house on Bismarckstraße is exploring the oeuvre of Leos Janacek in exemplary fashion with productions of works such as DAS SCHLAUE FÜCHSLEIN (directed by Katharina Thalbach), JENUFA (directed by Christof Loy, Grammy-nominated DVD available) and DIE SACHE MAKROPULOS (directed by David Hermann). The theatre is also devoting itself to a Benjamin Britten cycle that includes PETER GRIMES and BILLY BUDD (directed by David Alden), THE DESTRUCTION OF LUCRETIA (directed by Fiona Shaw) and DEATH IN VENICE (directed by Graham Vick). The presentation of Giacomo Meyerbeer's operatic works represents a particular artistic challenge for the coming seasons. Almost forgotten as one of Berlin's greatest composers, Meyerbeer will be brought back to the fore with works such as DINORAH ODER DIE WALLFAHRT NACH PLOËRMEL (concert performance, released on CD), VASCO DA GAMA (directed by Vera Nemirova), DIE HUGENOTTEN (2016, directed by David Alden) and DER PROPHET (2017, directed by Olivier Py). The orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, conducted by General Music Director Donald Runnicles, is one of the country's outstanding orchestras. In addition to opera evenings, it can also be heard at the Musikfest Berlin in the Philharmonie, at gala concerts in the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden and at the BBC Proms. The highly acclaimed choir has been voted "Choir of the Year" several times and is characterised by excellent performances. Since the 2012 season, the beginning of Dietmar Schwarz's directorship, the Deutsche Oper Berlin has had a second venue: the Tischlerei. Originally used as a place for woodworking, the high workshop now serves as a space for young artists to develop new forms of opera and music theatre. Around 9 premieres, revivals and guest performances take place here each season. The architecturally open and flexible space shapes the profile of the stage and challenges us to create musical theatre beyond the traditional peep-box theatre. The Tischlerei exclusively presents new works, including premieres of commissioned compositions, new developments and adaptations of older works. Special attention is paid to productions for a younger audience, with at least one new opera for children or young people per year. In addition, participatory projects, workshops and presentations by the Junge Deutsche Oper are given high priority. The workshop for 21st century music theatre is therefore located in the immediate vicinity of and under the same roof as Berlin's largest opera stage. There are also two concert series organised by the Deutsche Oper Berlin orchestra: the Tischlereikonzerte and the "Jazz & Lyrics" series.

The Deutsche Oper Berlin not only emphasises contemporary works, but also places a clear focus on composers whose complete works are no longer strongly represented in today's repertoire.


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